
Lost and wanting to be found.
Forever in the backdrop of someone else's spotlight.


First real conversation with father

For the first time, my dad and I talked about something that lasted for more than one minute.


After getting a night's sleep, chocolate, variety show marathon, psychological profile revisiting and hours of crying or crying + laughing...I was able to console myself somehow. Today, I am back to square one. Time to REALLY move forward. Time to let go.

I can get through this. :)

SOPA is dead.

At least that's what they say. The  US Congressman who propositioned it FINALLY pulling the bill out! (YAY! For us!) CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE

 I seriously hope this is legit. Now, I NEED MEGAUPLOAD BACK.

Megaupload getting resurrected

That feeling when you know you're doomed.

No turning back.

Dead end.

Reese, tell this to yourself everyday.
[It's alright]
다 잘 될거야. 이게 인생이야
[Everything's gonna be alright. That's life.]
[Don't cry.]



I have a lot of things in mind but I can't seem to put them in words. I just.... sigh.




It feels like I haven't seen you in months even if only 4 days have come and gone. Life is incomplete without you. I find this weird coz I only realized it now. No one to turn to. How long can I survive this?

3 Awesome Things This Week

  1. Practicum. - I find it awesome. Finally reaching the end of the road. Time to enjoy and work harder for the final shizzles. 
  2. WG. - I really love everyone. When I saw everyone and everyone hugged everyone else, I really felt...this is HOME.
  3. Tomorrow. - I know tomorrow's gonna be better. I can't wait. I'm really excited.:) 

Continuing the 30 Day Challenge

I missed a few weeks of blogging and I am going back now. :D I will start from December 25 until today. :D

Day Ten: Top Five Reasons You Feel The Way You Do Right Now
  1. Things are getting better and I'm feeling good about it.
  2. There's this event that I have to attend on Friday...I am excited :>
  3. The special class is approved (and I enrolled already! yay!). Angie and Eri are my classmates in PERSEF3. :3
  4. On the other corner of my brain, I'm still not happy (sort of) and I know why...and I'm not doing anything about it. Stupid me.
  5. I'm scared of the thing that I have to tell "person" after a few months. Damn. "Person" is going to be disappointed.