
Continuing the 30 Day Challenge

I missed a few weeks of blogging and I am going back now. :D I will start from December 25 until today. :D

Day Ten: Top Five Reasons You Feel The Way You Do Right Now
  1. Things are getting better and I'm feeling good about it.
  2. There's this event that I have to attend on Friday...I am excited :>
  3. The special class is approved (and I enrolled already! yay!). Angie and Eri are my classmates in PERSEF3. :3
  4. On the other corner of my brain, I'm still not happy (sort of) and I know why...and I'm not doing anything about it. Stupid me.
  5. I'm scared of the thing that I have to tell "person" after a few months. Damn. "Person" is going to be disappointed.

Day Eleven: Top Five Languages You Wish You Were Fluent In
  1. Korean
  2. French
  3. Italian
  4. Japanese
  5. Old English 

Day Twelve: Top Five Trends/Styles You Abhor

  1. The "I got this from ______" outfit - I don't really care about the brand, I go for the quality. Some people only care about the brand
  2. "Oversized" everything outfit - A few questions for them: (1) Are you saving money? (2) Are you planning to wear for next year? (3) Isn't it hot wearing that kind of outfit?

I only have two. :)

Day Thirteen: Top Five Dream Jobs
  1. Counselor
  2. University Professor
  3. Doctor
  4. Writer/Editor
  5. Housewife

Day Fourteen: Top Five Things You’d Do If You Had Magical Abilities

  1. Travel back in time...no. Control time. This is inclusive of going to the past, the future and pause the present time - I need to fix a few things. I really do.
  2. Fly. - Iwas traffic.
  3. Invisible mode. - hurhur. it's fun to hide. sometimes.
  4. Cure diseases. - It's hard to see someone suffer too much. D:
  5. Cast spells :>

Day Fifteen: Top Five Favorite Beverages
  1. Water
  2. Tea
  3. Coffee
  4. Shakes and shiz
  5. Juice

Day Sixteen: Top Five Things In Life You’d Like An Explanation For
  1. Why we never took "the chance"?
  2. Why does the Philippines suffer so much with "evil" people?
  3. Why do I sleep after 4am only?
  4. Why is Super Show 4 in the Philippines not happening?
  5. Why do some people overreact all the time?

Day Seventeen: Top Five Favorite Things To Do Where You Live

  1. Organize the room
  2. Food
  3. Internet
  4. Sleep
  5. Think

Day Eighteen: Top Five Favorite Sporting Events
  1. Tennis
  2. Badminton
  3. Soccer
  4. Basketball
  5. Volleyball

Day Nineteen: Top Five Favorite Sandwiches
  1. Chicken Sandwiches. I love them.
  2. Egg Sandwich
  3. Hotdogs. Sausages. yum.
  4. Burgers :D
  5. Strawberry Sandwiches

Day Twenty: Top Five Most Annoying Celebrities

I don't have. haha. I just get annoyed with what they usually do. 

Day Twenty-One: Top Five Movies You Quote Constantly

I only have one. I am not quite fond of quoting movies :))

  1. The Notebook

Day Twenty-Two: Top Five Sexiest People Ever (Dead Or Alive)
  1. Choi Si Won. Chocolate abs. o_O
  2. Nickhun. :">
  3. Ian Somerhalder
  4. Im Seulong
  5. Madonna :D

Day Twenty-Three: Top Five Worst Teachers You’ve Ever Had

  1. That professor who gave us grades according to gender D:
  2. That teacher who accused me of something I did not do.
  3. The know-it-all teacher.
  4. The professor who failed to attend class for more than half the term
  5. The one who made another student cry.
Day Twenty-Four: Top Five Things You Do During “Me-Time”
  1. Read books
  2. Sleep.
  3. Think.
  4. Listen to music
  5. Talk to myself.
Day Twenty-Five: Top Five Products You Most Desire
  1. A new phone. D: le sigh. I know this is stupid...but I really want a new one. D: 
  2. Does house count? I want my own.
  3. A car. :)
  4. A new gaming console
  5. Tons of external drives.
Day Twenty-Six: Top Five Most Useful Inventions
  1. Internet
  2. Games and Consoles. Wah.
  3. Music Players!
  4. Mobile Phones
  5. That awesome shirt that grows(?) you buy it in Japan. :D
Day Twenty-Seven: Top Five Most Annoying Things About Yourself

  1. Me complaining all the time.
  2. Being too lazy to do anything.
  3. Me knowing that I am a "doormat" and not doing anything about it
  4. I take too much time when I make decisions
  5. Me.

Day Twenty-Eight: Top Five Favorite TV Shows

  1. We Got Married
  2. Chuck
  3. How I Met Your Mother
  4. Grey's Anatomy
  5. Running Man

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